Christmas, New Year & Kings Guide


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Our Christmas guide, including New Year and Reyes (Kings) in Lanzarote, Canary Islands. Just scroll to the dates you want to read about below.

In case you’re wondering, here’s What Christmas is like in Lanzarote?

You can find restaurants offering festive Christmas Day & New Year’s Eve menus on our Facebook page here: Christmas Menus

Official Programmes for each area

Each Municipality on the island publishes their own Christmas guide and programme, and the links below will be live once they are out. :

Church Services

10th November

Macrame and wine in Tinajo.

15th November

Christmas lights switch on Deiland Shopping Centre, Playa Honda.

Christmas lights switch on at 18:30 at the Biosfera Shopping Centre, Puerto del Carmen.

22nd November

Christmas Lights switch on Open Mall shopping centre, Arrecife.

23rd November

Posh frock event in Puerto del Carmen.

Christmas Market Uga.

24th November

Christmas market Uga

29th November

Christmas lights switch on Marina Lanzarote, Arrecife.

Christmas lights switch on Arrecife

Christmas lights switch on San Bartolomé.

Christmas market in San Bartolomé.

30th November

Christmas market at Bodega Stratvs, La Geria.

Christmas Fair in Playa Blanca by the Natura Palace hotel to support the Scouts.

1st December

Christmas market at Bodega Stratvs, La Geria.

Opening of the nativity display at Bodega Stratvs, La Geria.

5th December

Interactive Market, Christmas Edition in Teguise, from the 5th to the 8th of December.

7th December

Elf on the Shelf at Biosfera Shopping centre, Puerto del Carmen.

Christmas Concert in Arrecife by the Coral Polifónica de San Bartolomé with the performance of the  Taboire quartet.

Candlelight Night in Arrecife.

8th December

Christmas lights switch on, Princesa Yaiza Hotel, Playa Blanca.

Wine walk in Playa Blanca for charity – all welcome! WhatsApp to book your place.

Christmas market from 8th to 29th December, Los Dolores.

10th December

Musical in Tías by the Lanzarote Theatre School.

Fun for all the family.

Free entrance.

Two shows: at 17h and at 19:30h.

11th December

Musical in Tías by the Lanzarote Theatre School.

Fun for all the family.

Free entrance.

Two shows: at 17h and at 19:30h.

Christmas Sale at Eliro Café Bar in Puerto del Carmen.

12th December

Craft Fair at Plaza de los Naciones in Puerto del Carmen, from the 12th to the 15th of December.

In Costa Teguise from the 12th to the 15th of December at the Amphitheatre at Playa Las Cucharas and surrounding areas.

13th December

In San Bartolomé from the 13th to the 15th of December.

14th December

Elf on the Shelf at Biosfera Shopping centre, Puerto del Carmen.

Christmas-themed funfair in Arrecife from the 14th of December 2024 to the 5th of January 2025.

Ferris wheel, Ice rink, Christmas market, rides… and much more!

Christmas Sale at The Black Bull in Costa Teguise.

Free Christmas Concert in Playa Honda with the Coro Rociero Al-Andalus Entre Alisios y Levante.

15th December

Christmas Brunch with Santa, Bodega Stratvs, La Geria.

21st December

Elf on the Shelf at Biosfera Shopping centre, Puerto del Carmen.

Also Papa Noel visiting!

And ride Santa’s sledge virtually!

Opera, Zarzuela and Christmas carols in San Bartolomé with:

María Candelaria Hernández (Soprano)
David Barrera (Tenor)
Blanca Valido (Mezzosoprano)
Borja Molina (Baritone):
Ernesto Alemán (Piano)

Free entrance until full capacity is reached.

At Paddy’s Point Emerald Isle, Puerto del Carmen.

5km In Costa Teguise.


Entry €5 : here.

In Aid of Breast Cancer Now.

We will putting on our comfy footwear, donning a Santa’s hat and Breast Cancer ribbon badge and pounding the Costa Teguise promenade in aid of breast cancer Care ( . )( . ) 🎗️
Please come take part whether it’s a stroll, jog, run or crawl, everyone is welcome and let’s make this another great event like last year where we raised over 1000€ and had nearly 100 participants, if you click on my profile photo you can see last year’s group photo!!
Share share share and get everyone you know to get involved and give up and hour of their time on Saturday morning to do 5km!!

20th December

6PM Arrecife.

21st December

“Christmas Tales” concert by the Lanzarote Ensemble in Arrecife.

Tickets: here.

Music has the power to bring together all those who wish to enjoy melodies capable of evoking the best feelings. With a concert designed to celebrate Christmas, the Lanzarote Ensemble rescues three stories that have been milestones for their beauty and are true masterpieces of classical music: The Nutcracker by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Peter and the Wolf by Sergey Prokofiev and Hansel and Gretel by Engelbert Humperdinck.

Children’s didactics through stories is so essential in the culture of all civilisations that composers have not hesitated to bring most of these tales to life with their music. The oral fantasy combined with the composers’ sound atmospheres have resulted in unique works that have endured and continue to be a reference in didactics as well as in compositional technique and leitmotifs of characters and situations, adventures and misfortunes.

Christmas Concert by the Polyphonic Choir San Ginés in Arrecife.

Free entrance.

22nd December

Papa Noel (Santa Claus) visting Biosfera Shopping Centre.

And ride Santa’s sledge virtually!

In Haría from the 22nd to the 27th of December.

* on the 24th only until 17h

With craft stalls.

23rd December

Papa Noel (Santa Claus) visiting Biosfera Shopping centre, Puerto del Carmen.

And ride Santa’s sledge virtually!

24th December

Elf on the Shelf at Biosfera Shopping centre, Puerto del Carmen.

Also Papa Noel (Santa Claus) visting!

And ride Santa’s sledge virtually!

31st December

Goodbye to 2024 party at Bodega Stratvs, La Geria.

Ale Acosta headlines the New Year’s Eve Bells at the Castillo de San José.

Barcelona’s Serial Killerz, the Batucada Villa Pipol and DJ’s Alma Nova and Carlos Chavaud also star in the night.

Throughout this week, the Tourist Centres will set up a space on their website to book cashless wristbands and enjoy an unforgettable night.

Ale Acosta, nominated in the last Latin Grammy Awards, returns to his homeland to offer a special session at the Castillo de San José. ‘Playing at the Castillo de San José, 25 years after my first session, is a wonderful sign of life’.

End of year 5k race in Arrecife.

Also children’s categories.

Day-time New Year’s Eve celebrations In Arrecife.

With DJ Checha Tambo.

Toasts, bells,grapes and party bag.

Last bikers’ ride of the year.

Open to all bikers and clubs.

Departing from Parking Las Caletas in Costa Teguise.

Please, be punctual. The sun doesn’t wait!

1st January

New Year’s Brunch, Bodega Stratvs, La Geria.

10th January

In Playa Blanca from the 10th to the 12th of January.

See this article for details of the Three King’s Parades

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