New Law For Pet Owners In Spain

Pet Owners

In February 2023, a new law was enacted in Spain for pet owners, based around animal welfare. It will come into effect in September 2023, and here are the key points:

Training and insurance for dog owners

Dog owners will be required to take a short online course that will teach them how to properly look after their dogs. The course is short, straightforward and free of charge.

We’ll post a link here to the new website for taking the test, as soon as it’s online.

It will become illegal to leave dogs alone for more than 24 hours, and other animals for more than three days. Dogs also can no longer be kept for long periods on balconies, terraces and rooftops.

Dog owners will also be required to have civil liability insurance.

Pet Shops

Pet Shops will no longer be allowed to display live animals for commercial purposes or for sale to potential buyers.


Breeding animals will only be allowed by people or companies duly registered with their local council for that purpose. They will have limits on the number of litters breeding animals are allowed to have. The fine for breaking this aspect of the law ranges from €50,000 to €200,000.


The use of animals in circuses, already banned in most regions is extended across the country.


All dogs, cats, ferrets or hamsters will have to be microchipped and birds will be identified by ringing from birth.

Cats must be sterilised

Cats must be surgically sterilised before the age of six months, except those registered as breeding animals in the Pet Breeders’ Register.

Mandatory burials or cremations

The cancellation of a pet animal due to death must be accompanied by a document certifying that it was cremated or buried by a company officially recognised for such activities, stating the identification number of the deceased animal and the name and surname of the person in charge.

Banned animals

The list of animals that are not allowed to be kept as pets has been increased, and animals not native to Spain are included. Some examples are: Parrots, Lovebirds, Vietnamese pigs, Raccoons and Hedgehogs.

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