Incoming Heatwave
A high temperature alert has been issued by the weather service for this weekend. Temperatures of up to 32 degrees are expected, with calima and strong winds.
Historic House Being Renovated

La Casa del los Carasco, at the entrance to La Geria, is being renovated by Bodegas Bermejos. The house, built at the beginning of the 20th century, and in the La Florida area, has been a ruin for many years. It features a fascinating water system, using three water storage units, and a complex hydraulic system. There are two main sections to the old manor house, each with a patio, one was for the owners, another for the vineyard workers. There is also a substantial cellar.
The first step is the restoration of the vines and zocos, before work starts on the main house. It will be a visitor centre showcasing the water system and history of wine making here, and there are plans for an events room and restaurant.
Italians Become Number One Foreign Buyers In Canaries
28.5% of all homes bought in the islands last year were done so by foreigners, but for the first time Italians overtook German and British buyers to become the most numerous.
Nine Arrested For Burning Costa teguise Sun Beds
Nine youths have been arrested for setting fire to sun beds on Las Cucharas beach in Costa Teguise last month, causing almost €8,000 of wroth of damage. They had previously stolen aerosol cans from a local supermarket and which were used as an accelerant.
New Holiday Letting Law In Draft
A new law regulating holiday lets in The Canaries is in draft stage and expected to pass through the parliament over the next few months. Key provisions include putting the matter of letting licences into the hands of each municipality and limiting them to no more than 10% of the housing stock in a given area.
Yaiza, which includes Playa Blanca, is the only municipality on the island that currently exceeds the 10% figure. At 22% it has the highest percentage in the islands, and there are only four other municipalities on other islands that exceed 10%.
There will be a five year period where no more licences are given and for existing licence holders to continue renting their properties. During that period, the monitoring and regulation of properties will pass to each municipality, who will decide, based on their planning process, whether the licences can continue or be revoked.
Once the five year period has passed, owners will be able once again to apply for new licences, which will require them to meet certain minimum standards.
Additionally, the use of what is described as “Sub Housing,” offering rentals of tents, shipping containers and cabins will be outlawed.
Palacio de Congresos Idea Resurrected
The project to create a large public hall close to The Cabildo, which has been off and on for many years, has been brought back to life by the current administration, which hopes to secure Canarian government funding. According to Cabildo President Oswaldo Betancort, the building “will be an emblematic, versatile and functional architectural infrastructure that will contribute to the socioeconomic development of the island by enabling the celebration of large cultural events and congresses.”
Catamaran Runs Ashore In Playa Blanca
Strong winds and big waves caused an anchored catamaran to drag onto rocks in Playa Blanca last weekend. Marine specialists were called, and they are currently working on re-floating the boat and removing diesel fuel and other contaminants from it.
50 Cruise Ships Expected In Next Three Months
50 ships are expected to dock in Arrecife over the next few months, 30 in April alone, as Lanzarote establishes itself as a regular cruise destination.
Another Video Posted To Socials
This time it was a tourist running down the picon on Montaña Cuervo, in the Timanfaya region. Ironically, front and centre of the video is a sign telling people not to stay from the path, because the area is protected.
€15 Million For Electric Taxis
The Canarian government has allocated up to €15 Million to help taxi owners transition to electric vehicles. €12 Million of the fund will be used to subsidise the purchase of new cars, with the remaining €3 million for the installation of charging points across the island. Subsidies will range from €4,000 toward the purchase of a new car, up to €14,000 for electric vehicles which are adapted for people with mobility issues.
We’ll add more news as it comes in this week…..
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