Lanzarote’s Freemasons welcome masons who live on the island and those visiting on holiday.
They meet on the second Tuesday of every month from October through to April, and then monthly through the rest of the year to practice for upcoming meetings. Their meeting room is in Argana Alta, Arrecife.
They provide financial support to people in Lanzarote, who they feel can benefit from that support, and they additionally provide finance to a number of worthy causes and charities on the island.
The masons would like it to be known that anyone can become a mason, and they would welcome new members. They stress that Freemasons are not a “secret society,” but that they are a society with secrets. One of their key aims is:
To be good citizens by practising the highest moral and social standards in friendship, charity and integrity.
You can get in touch with them:
Contact: Malcolm Wynd (Secretary)
Mobile: 671 14 13 70