Charco del Palo, Naturist Resort

naturist beach in Lanzarote

Did you know that Lanzarote has a naturist resort? Charco del Palo is not signposted, but it is easy to find, when you know where it is! Look for the Bar Restaurant Don Quijote on the main road through Mala, you want this turning at the side of it, the other building is the Arepera Bar Jojoto y Millo. Head down this road to the coast, it winds through fields of prickly pear cactus.

Charco del Palo is predominantly German, with English and Spanish residents and tourists, there are two holiday complexes but lots of apartments and villas for rental too.  You will see naked people going about their everyday life in the village, so please don’t go if you find that offensive!

As you arrive in Charco del Palo there is a restaurant on your right and straight ahead a car park for the commercial centre which has a supermarket and a Bar. I would suggest that you park here which is in the centre of the resort and have a wander around.

In front of you is a pathway that leads to the coast, to the right is the sea swimming pool known as the bath tub, there isn’t a photo of this as there were plenty of sun worshipers on the afternoon I was there with my camera! Heading left is the path down to the Monkey Rocks, this is a very popular area, with naturists and divers – Charco del Palo is one of the best sites for scuba diving on the island so you can quite often see a group of divers heading into the water off the steps here. Further on to your left is the other sea swimming pool.

There are lots of sandy pathways and sheltered places to sunbathe in Charco del Palo but there isn’t a beach, if you want to get into the water there are the two swimming pools or the area off Monkey Rocks, this part of the coast can be really strong waves, it is spectacular to watch them spraying up and over the cliffs.

The coastline stretches for miles in either direction, if you like naked rambling. I am not a naturist, but have really good friends in the area and have never felt out of place being a ‘textile’ (person wearing clothes.) The clients are requested to dress for dinner in the local restaurants and in the shops.

Other places you can get naked in Lanzarote.