Lanzarote In Numbers – 2018

Lanzarote in numbers

Every year, The Cabildo produces a report called Lanzarote en Cifres, which is a summary of interesting numbers relating to the island.

As always, we’ve picked out some of the key highlights that might be interesting for you.


  • The average temperature on the island was 20.6 degrees
  • Rain fell on 78 days
  • Total rainfall was 142.7MM


  • The total population was 149,183
  • 22% is the population is foreign, with 5,908 Brits leading the way
  • The average population including visitors is 209,184, so on an average day there are around 60,000 tourists on the island
  • In terms of the numbers of people living in each municipality, the order is Arrecife, Teguise, Tias, San Bartolomé, Yaiza, Tinajo and Haria.


  • There are 5113 businesses registered on the island, an increase of 1,000 since 2010
  • More than 4,000 of them are in the service sector, with 424 in construction, 161 in industry and 100 in agriculture
  • There are 3,700 hectares used for agriculture, around half of which is for vines
  • There are 10.878 people unemployed, down from over 17,000 in 2012


  • The average stay on the island is 7.8 nights
  • Just over 3 million tourists visited Lanzarote in 2018
  • The top three countries were UK (1.4 Million) Germany (421K) and Ireland (291k)
  • There are just over 3000 bars and restaurants on the island, a third of them in the municipality of Tias
  • The top three official attractions in order were, Timanfaya, Jameos del Agua and Cueva de los Verdes

You can download a full copy of the report, which has much more information here: Lanzarote en Cifres.

More reading: Random facts about the population of Lanzarote.