Interview With Camy Tardieu

Camy Tardieu

The first time I heard Camy Tardieu sing was a long time a long time ago with her original band Zombie Love, which does alternative punkrock, at some outdoor music festival in Lanzarote. We were both younger back then! I decided it was time to find out a bit more about this versatile lady, who keeps growing and experimenting as a musician.

What is your name?
My name is Camy Tardieu but my stage name is Camy Myles.

And where are you from originally, Camy?
I’m from France.

How long have you lived in Lanzarote?
I think it’s been 15 years now.

What brought you to Lanzarote?
The first time I came to the island I followed my parents here because I was still a minor. Then I just liked here and decided to stay and just travel as often as I can.

What do you like about the island?
The open view we have on everything, the sun and mainly the good atmosphere.

What is your favourite place in Lanzarote?
It has to be the natural pools next to the abandoned hotel in Playa Blanca. And Famara beach at sunset, of course!

What do you play?
I play acoustic and electric guitar, also bass guitar and I sing too.

How would you describe your gigs and your music for someone who’s never heard you before?
Depending on the crowd, I adapt to the place I’m playing at. If it’s a bar gig I usually like to talk to the crowd and make it friendly atmosphere. But I also do restaurant gigs, where I don’t talk much.

Right, more like background music.

Who is your idol and / or inspiration?
I have many: Jamiroquai, Sting, Hayley Williams, Nirvana, FKJ, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Radiohead… But the ones that got me into singing was early Avril Lavigne and The Offspring.

Do you have any special projects coming up?
Many! A musician never stops, hahaha! I have an upcoming album with my original band: Zombie Love. I’m working on many songs with another project called Kogikoz and on my original songs as Camy Myles, too. Also I’m starting to write and record other people music with my voice, which is a new thing for me.

When and where do you have regular gigs in Lanzarote?

Camy Tardieu

Well, I used to play six nights a week, mainly in Playa Blanca… but now with what we are living I’m happy to still have one gig every Thursday evening in Arrecife at Barbacana Bar & Grill, Bar Strava on Calle Ginés de Castro y Álvarez number 10, near Calle Real.
I also do live streaming sessions on my Facebook page every Tuesday evening. (Check her page for exact times!)

How can our readers keep up to date with your gigs & projects?
Mainly on Facebook by Camy Myles-Tardieu
and Instagram 
Zombie Love’s Instagram:
Kogikoz’s Instagram:

Anything else you’d like to tell our readers?
Playing music taught me that it’s one of the best ways in life to connect with other people,
While travelling I met so many people thanks to my guitar and singing! And I got the chance to play with so many great musicians-
During this year 2020 it’s important to continue to support the musical culture we have so we can all sing along to brighten our days.

Absolutely, I totally agree with you! Thank you so much, Camy, for your time and for letting us get to know you a bit better. Keep up the good work!

Check Camy’s music out, whether it’s her solo stuff or her other projects. And if you feel like you can spare some money to support her music, feel free to make a donation via