How Many Bars & Restaurants Are There In Lanzarote?

“How many bars are there in Lanzarote?” We were asked this recently, and we thought it was a really interesting question, so we found the answers!

The simple answer is that there are 1950 Bars on the island and 1049 restaurants. If you wanted to visit them all, and could manage three a day, it would take you nearly three years.

The split by municipality looks like this:

San Bartolomé12050170

As you can see Tias, which includes Puerto del Carmen, has the most by miles. In fact, they have more than the other two resorts put together. Tinajo has the least with just 62.

It’s also interesting looking at the evolution of the numbers over the years. Here are some highlights:

  • In 2001 there were 1003 bars and 697 restaurants on the island – so numbers have grown 76% since then
  • Even through the recession from 2008 to 2011, there was steady growth in the numbers in every municipality
  • In  terms of bars, Yaiza has shown the most increase since 2001 at 166%, with Tinajo the least, with 39%
  • And for restaurants Yaiza once again leads the way with an 87% growth, with Haria at the bottom of the table with 16%

Another interesting statistic worth looking at is the number of bars on the island in 2006, which was considered a “boom” year for bar owners on the island. The total number has increased by more than 53% in the intervening years, so businesses in that sector are facing much stiffer competition for our visitor’s Euros.

Effectively, every bar on the island has 50% more competition than they had in the mid 2000’s.

We will continue our on-going quest on your behalf to visit them all!

More reading: Random facts about the population of Lanzarote.

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