However frightening the state of the world at the moment, and whatever amount of comfort we might the arts go marching on and continue their quest to bring tolerance and understanding to a world fools for leaders. So whether you want to contemplate paintings, examine sculptures, listen to music read books or attend workshops why not follow your art and come join us as we follow sidetracks and detours away from the terrors of the news, and become better equipped to help those in need.
Whilst we feel very fortunate to enjoy such a thriving arts scene here on Lanzarote we realise that the same can be said of arts around the world, and indeed we learn of an arts exhibition running over the next month on mainland Spain. The inauguration took place on Saturday 26th February of Scenic Boxes by Federico Romeguera at the Adsubian Gallery that will run until 26th March, and could well be of interest to not only those of our readers who live in the region but also those who are within traveling distance from Lanzarote or have holidays booked in this part of the world in March.
Adsubian Gallery
Calle Principal 2b
L’ATZUBIA, Alicante 03786
phone 634 312 826´
We have already seen nearly twenty musical events and visited a number of visual arts exhibitions in 2022. We have even followed guided walks and talks to review here in the arts and culture section of Lanzarote Information. Since lockdowns lifted here on Lanzarote many measures and protocols have been eased and the arts (and we who love the arts) have been grateful beneficiaries of those moves.
Music is our first love here in the office, and regular readers will know how thrilled we have been by the many concerts we have already seen this year and we are pleased to say that a Cabildo press release from Mr. Ferrer landed in our in e-mail box on Saturday 26th February, and after only 3 hours of translating via google and reordering into categories and date chronology etc, I am just poised to press ´send´ to Miguel at the editor´s desk for his consideration, and with any luck you´ll be reading this (in your thousands) sometime in week commencing Monday 28th February and should be able to enter all the dates into your march diary,
Our own music itinerary for this month begins at CIC El Almacén to hear LAJALADA, on Saturday 5th March
This will give us us the singer and composer Belén A. Doreste, shaping her new project, Lajalada, a more electronic adventure than her previous musical experience (Bel Bee Bee), with passages and songs written in English and Spanish. After having stepped on different stages and devigorating, reinventing and rethinking certain themes, in 2021 they present the first album: “DMÑNNS” (demañananosé), a creative work that without many resources tries to open 360º, take care of the sound plane, the aesthetic plane, and the visual journey that will accompany the presentation of each of the 10 tracks that make up the album. For the live show, Belén is accompanied by Ner Suárez, Octavio Limiñana, Alberto Rodríguez and Francisco Navarro.
If you still have blank evenings in your diary that you are waiting to fill, then you might like to consider something else on offer from the music scene later in the month.
At the same venue of Cic El Almacen on Saturday 25th March at 8.00 pm there will be a seventy five minute performance by Carmen Boza beginning at 8.00 pm with tickets available at only 10 euros, available for booking at
Carmen Boza is a composer, guitarist, producer and Singer, born in La Línea de la Concepción (Cádiz). Her music is nourished by her strong link with the guitar, which she has been exploring since she was 15 years old. The interest in many proposals of the so-called commercial music, as well as in many other projects of a more alternative nature, leads to the torrent of influences that can be seen in the compositions of the Cadiz. The singer-songwriter is considered one of the most interesting Spanish female proposals and with more projection in recent years. Carmen began her musical career by uploading videos to the YouTube platform where, little by little, she was consolidating a large audience base that today follows in her footsteps wherever she goes.
Visual Arts Exhibitions
Many of you will already know that Cic El Almacen is, typically of a Manrique design, a charismatic and versatile venue capable of serving as host to a number of art forms. So it is no surprise that other than those music events already mentioned March will also be a month for a number of arts exhibitions, an example of which will be Charlas ARTE Y ESTÉTICA, presented by our favourite arts-guide Estefanía Camejo on 7, 14, 21 y 28 marzo at 6.00 pm and open to all members of the public for a ninety minute presentation.
The four part programme includes
* 07 March_18 h. “La expresión artística. The innate need of homo sapiens” *
14 March_18 h. “Reaching divinity. Longing for the monumental artistic creation of the first civilizations” *
21 March_18 h. “The symbolism of light in Medieval Art” *
28 March_18 h. “The revolution of the intellectual artist of the fifteenth century”
Starting from the premise of the need to explain and publicize the theoretical foundation that is associated with the artistic experience itself and the contemporary culture in which we live, this cycle of talks proposes an approach to the main concepts, postulates, principles and ideas linked to Aesthetics and the way of understanding the artistic fact, from the informative perspective of the History of Art and thought, thus enabling both the knowledge and the analysis of the processes of meaning and interpretation of the artistic expressions of the past and the present
Another thought provoking exhibition to look forward to is by DANIEL MORDZINSKI. “Navegantes en la balsa de piedra” celebrates the centenary of José Saramago (1922-2022) at the Casa de la Cultura Agustín de la Hoz – Arrecife
From March 11 to May 28 All public Admission: free, until full capacity (limited according to regulations and Covid19 measures) Schedules: Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.; Saturdays, from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Closed on Sundays and holidays. Organised by: Cultura Lanzarote – Cabildo de Lanzarote Collaborates: Arrecife City Council, Saramago Foundation, Tías City Council, Canary Islands Government.
In this exhibition by the artist Daniel Mordzinski, designed and projected expressly for the programming of the Centenary of Saramago in Lanzarote, the Argentine photographer transits and becomes an emblematic interlocutor who enables dialogue between the Portuguese and Hispanic worlds and does so on a stone raft, in which the faces of the writers who inhabit his designed great island of cultural Iberism metaphorically navigate, where literature and photography come together and merge forever in the memory of Saramago.
Guided visits to the exhibition with Estefanía Camejo:
Saturday 12 March at 12.00 h.
Saturday 26 March at 12.00 noon.
Tuesday 5 April at 18.00
Saturday 23 April at 12.00
Tuesday 10 May at 18.00
Saturday 21 May at 12.00
An exhibition by ÁNGEL GUERRA, UN ESCRITOR DE LANZAROTE, has been commissioned by Comisariada por Zebensuí Rodríguez and Pepe Betancort for the Convento de Santo Domingo – Teguise
The exhibition runs until March 20, 2022 and audiences admission is ´free until full´ with capacity limited according to Regulations and Covid19 measures.
Schedules: Sunday to Friday from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.; Saturdays and holidays closed.
The writer, journalist and Canarian politician, Ángel Guerra, literary pseudonym of José Betancort Cabrera, will be the subject of a retrospective exhibition that seeks to publicize, disseminate and value the significant and committed literary career of this writer born in Teguise in 1874 and died in Madrid in 1950, author of texts as outstanding as La Lapa, Al jallo, A merced del viento, El Justicia del llano, etc. The curatorship will be in charge of the philologists Zebensuí Rodríguez and Pepe Betancort, together with the creativity and exhibition design of Carmen Corujo.
Another exhibition that sounds very interesting is FUERA DE JUEGO that includes work by Carmela García, Noelia Villena, Acaymo S. Cuesta, Sara GDM y Antonio Manuel Domínguez, commissioned by Adonay Bermúdez
Admission will be granted on the same conditions as above to this collaboration of Pancho Lasso School of Art and Municipalities of Tías and Haría.
This will be shown at Sala de Arte “El Aljibe” de Haría, the beautiful basement gallery in the gardens opposit the town hall in H. We have a review of the town in a forthcoming article that will tell you how the little town has so much atmospheric beauty to offer, to enjoy when you visit the exhibition that runs until 2nd April.
This exhibition project, curated by Adonay Bermúdez, is an artistic proposal that explores the machismo entrenched in society and, specifically, in sport, through plastic and visual works of public denunciation that seek and expose feminist formulas that show situations of inequality in different sports contexts. In this way, we stumble upon readings that dialogue about the lack of voice of women in football (Carmela García), hatred and violence towards women athletes in social networks (Acaymo S. Cuesta), the relationships between women, sport and motherhood (Noelia Villena), the links between women and football (Sara GDM) or the prevailing dominance of men in sport (Manuel Antonio Domínguez).
Guided visits to the exhibition with Estefanía Camejo: Saturday March 5 at 12.00 h. Sala El Aljibe de Haría
Similarly intriguing will be “MOVIMIENTO Y DIRECCIÓN DE FUGA. ACLIMATACIÓN I” that brings together Gabriela Bettini, Liliana Zapata, Manuel Diego Sánchez y Racso Zehcnas in an exhibition commissioned by Dalia de la Rosa. This, too, is being shown at Sala El Aljibe CIC El Almacén un til 30th April and is open with free admission to the public, with covid portocols
This exhibition project, curated by Dalia de la Rosa, presents us with an artistic discourse that investigates the processes of adaptation of foreign elements in a specific place through dislocations that break layers that affect identity processes or sedimentations that erase spaces to create new places in which fragile provisional balance occurs in the form of acclimatization. This is how we see it in the new forms of mobility on the territory that were generated from the gold rush in the United States through the audiovisual piece by Manuel Diego Sánchez, the productive models based on the wild extractions on the territory that is reflected in the work of Liliana Zapata, in the traces and violent interactions between the body and the territory of the visual piece of Racso Zehcnas or in the modifications of the natural environments after the nineteenth-century scientific expeditions carried out in Africa, America and Asia by Gabriela Bettini
There will guided visits available, too, from the aforementioned very busy art historian Estefanía Camejo:
Saturday 12 March 12.00 h
Tuesday 22March 18.00 h.
Saturday 9 April 12.00 h
Tuesday 19 abril 18.00 h
Saturday 30 April 12.00 h.
Public conversations between Lilian Zapata and Gabriela Bettini will be moderated by Dalia de la Rosa, on Tuesday 15 March, at 19:30 h, at Sala de Cine del CIC El Almacén.
Performance and interaction of Javier Cuevas with the work of Racso Zehcnas, April 1, at 6:00 p.m. (several passes) in the Aljibe Room of the CIC El Almacén.
Conversation between Racso Zehcnas and Manuel Diego Sánchez, moderated by Dalia de la Rosa will takew place on April 22, at 7:30 p.m., in the CIC El Almacén Movie Theatre.
Running from 18th March until 30th April, also at Cic El Almacen, in The Cuba Room will be an exhibition called ACAYMO S. CUESTA
“Blanco corrupto”, Comimissioned por Dennys Matos
After a long process of documentary and informative research on corruption and urban development that has occurred in recent decades in Lanzarote, the Gran Canarian artist Acaymo S. Cuesta, curated by Dennys Ramos, has articulated a plastic and visual story from which to reflect and denounce, through a series of pieces and installations, on three fundamental issues linked to the territory and post-truth on the island, that is, on the aesthetic impact of tourism corruption on the landscape of that island, as well as on the influence exerted by political-business control over the media to legitimize the “laundering” or manipulation of public opinion; and, as a backdrop, the validity of the legacy of César Manrique’s environmentalist thought on the island.
Once again there are some complementary guided tours that have proved such a popular insertion of added value to evcents like these, offering the general public to leanr from the informed and informative tour guides such as Estefanía Camejo, who will be showing small parties around on
Martes 22 marzo – 18.00 h.
Sábado 9 abril – 12.00 h
Martes 19 abril – 18.00 h
Sábado 30 abril – 12.00 h.
There will also be a round table chat with Irma Ferrer and Noemí Tejera, moderated by Saúl García Crespo, on Friday, April 8, at 7:30 p.m., in the Cinema Room of the CIC El Almacén.
The presentation of the exhibition catalogue takes place on Tuesday, April 26, 2022, at 7:30 p.m. Cinema Room of the CIC El Almacén
Make a note to self, though, that time is running out iof you wish to view the video-installation, ALBY ÁLAMO “Materiales inéditos” at CIC El Almacén. The installation closes on 19th March
The project “Unpublished materials” by the visual artist Alby Alamo (Las Palmas, 1977) is a video installation that, following the line of research around the idea of the current performance society, proposes a unique approach to issues such as sustainability, tourism and landscape taking as a transversal axis the spatial work of César Manrique in Lanzarote, to which is added the conditioning of having been a work carried out in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and under the mediation of the image and zero tourism. This work has the musical and sound collaboration of the artist Resonance (Javier Pérez Rodríguez) and will be accompanied by the photobook “Materials, recification of Arrecife and centrifuged”.
Not only does the Lanzarote arts offer this month include the music and visual arts detailed above, but it also promises literary events too. For instance, also to be housed at Cic El Almacen in the coming weeks is WRITERS AND 8 CREATORS, looking at the work of Agustina Ayala, Inocencia Aldana, Daniela Martín Hidalgo, María Morales Topham, Macarena Nieves Cáceres, Inocencia Páez, Dominga Suárez Clavijo and Lola Suárez Elena Betancor, Rosalía Díe, Flora González, Guacimara Hernández, Isabelle Mathieu, Raquel Plans, Adrianac Sandec and Rosa Vera
To overcome the unforgivable absence of names of women writers in the studies on the literary heritage associated with Lanzarote this artistic intervention that has as a priority objective to publicize and value the work of eight writers hand in hand with plastic recreation, through the collage technique, of eight creators of the island, in an exercise of visual expression where literature and art interact to vindicate the development of a new aesthetic and intellectual discourse signed by women from Lanzarote
Guided tours (with art historian Estefanía Camejo):
Tuesday 22 February – 18.00 h
Saturday 12 March – 12.00 h
Tuesday 22 March – 18.00 h.
Saturday 9 April – 12.00 h
Tuesday 19 April – 18.00 h
Saturday 30 April – 12.00 h.
Literary meeting with Lola Suárez, Macarena Nieves Cáceres and Daniela Martín Hidalgo, May 17, at 7:30 p.m., in the Cinema Room of the CIC El Almacén.
There are also other literary events to look forward to in March, with IRENE VALLEJO, “Manifiesto por la lectura” being held at Teatro Cine Atlántida – Arrecife. On 11th March at 6.00pm there will an approximately forty five minute event, open to the general public
Under the title “Manifesto for reading”, the popular and renowned writer Irene Vallejo will give a talk on Friday, March 11, at the Teatro Cine Atlántida in Arrecife, in which she will talk about the importance of reading in her training and professional career, as well as the importance of maintaining and cultivating the habit of reading in young people and adults. Irene Vallejo’s talk is part of the events of the Centenary of José Saramago (1922-2022), organized by the José Saramago Foundation, the Cabildo de Lanzarote, the Government of the Canary Islands and the City Council of Tías.
Winner of the National Essay Prize in 2020 and the Critical Eye Award for her book El infinito en un junco, translated into more than thirty languages, Irene Vallejo (Zaragoza, 1979) studied Classical Philology and obtained the European Doctorate from the universities of Zaragoza and Florence. At present he carries out an intense work of dissemination of the classical world giving conferences and courses. He collaborates with El País Semanal, the newspaper Heraldo de Aragón and Milenio in Mexico. His literary work includes the novels La luz sepultada (2011) and El silbido del arquero (2015). He has published essays such as the Manifesto for Reading (2020) and children’s books. The anthologies Someone talked about us (2017) and The remembered future (2020) collect hi
The talk will begin at 6:00 p.m., but from 5:00 p.m. Irene Vallejo herself will be signing books to her readers at the entrance of the Sala Teatro Cine Atlántida.
There are also workshops being delivered in March, though will need to check out on line at culturalanzarote or cact for details of how enrol etc.
These workshops inlcude The Art of Imitating nature by Rut Cavero and this will also be delivered at CIC El Almacén
With an eye on achieving the programmatic objective, on the one hand, of trying to publicize and value the rich diversity of the endemic flora of Lanzarote and, on the other hand, to explore the possibilities of artistic representation of some of the local plant species, the sculptor Rut Cavero, through the possibilities of three-dimensional representation with clay modeling, will try that the people registered in the workshop experience and develop three-dimensional creativity to reproduce and express elements, patterns and natural structures linked to the insular flora as a unique form of artistic-plastic expression of our plant heritage. Recipients: artists, creators and people with cultural concerns linked to the plastic and visual arts.
Another promised workshop is LITERARY CREATION FROM THE SELF Taught By Lana Corujo and Andrea Sofía Crespo, also CIC El Almacén.
This workshop, which is part of the activities programmed in Verbena, the first Literature Meeting in Lanzarote that will take place in El Almacén, is aimed at all people who feel tickles in the brain when they read an unexpected combination of words. In this activity we will accompany you to ignite the poetic gaze. Dare to relate to language and the world in a new way!
The sessions will be dedicated to talking about awe and poetry, exercises will be proposed to encourage creative writing and will discuss how to navigate publications and the publishing world
Our readers who love dance should be interested in “INSECTO PRIMITIVO” pedrformed by Compañía Elías Aguirre at Teatro Víctor Fernández Gopar “El Salinero”. This will commence at 8.00 pm on Friday 11th March. Tickets are only 12 euros for a seventy minute programme.
Insects have a life comparable to a dance: short, ephemeral and intense. Bodies that support architectures, as humans do with our invisible hearts, with our shells and everyday burdens. This piece is about harmonizing the heart-breaking with the subtle beauty of what happens in the tiny, improvised settings of nature. That “ying/yang” in permanent dialogue. What if humans lived, every day, with the memory of the memento mori of a primitive insect? Perhaps our life, also ephemeral, could be presented as an atavistic and sublime dance. Dance, live, consciously.
Insecto Primitivo is the new production by Elías Aguirre for which Aguirre has created an imaginary of “entomological mythology” as a result of the creative process. A project closely related to some previous proposals, but at the same time a new bet, investigating new terrains, new limits of body expression, sensations and the imaginary. This is a work that combines contemporary dance techniques, urban dance and gestural theater for which Elías has a team of very peculiar dancers.
Of course, a month of the arts on lanzartote wouldn´t feel quite the same without at least one trip tp the theatre, though tio seems we have to wait until April for that. So put it into your diary to ensure you don´t forget to book tickets to see SCENES OF CONJUGAL LIFE, by Ingmar Bergman With Ricardo Darín and Andrea Pietra Direction by Norma Leandro Teatro Víctor Fernández Gopar “El Salinero”
It is showing for two consecutive nights at 8.00pm Tuesday 5th April and Wednesday 6th April and is deemed as being suitable for over sixteen year olds. The playt runs from 100 minutes and admission porices range from 30 euros to 55 euros
The author introduces us to Juan and Mariana – his two protagonists – telling the audience a sequence of scenes that has to do with the relationship they maintain during their marriage and the one they will continue to carry even after they have divorced. The veracity with which these instances are represented makes it impossible for the audience not to identify at least with some of the reactions of their characters, which can be both funny and dramatic but always have to do with love and the human condition, which is where the great success of this work lies.
Pease note that it advisable to double check any of our details here by visiting
and of course you may well have your own trusted reference points in your own municipalities. Miguel updates the weekly what´s on section here on Lanzarote Information, so keep your eye on that for announcements of new events or changes to schedules. The arts are in a state of flux, still, and even we at the news desk struggle to keep up.
Nevertheless, we really hope to bump into some of you at some of these events. Also look out for two upcoming reports on cultural events including our day as Indiana Jones on the lookout ledge in Haria, and a fascinating guided tour of the theatre in the caves at Jameos Del Agua. We´ll report back in the coming week on both those grand days out !
See you around.