Walk from Arrieta to Haría

Walk from Arrieta to Haría

This is a walk from Arrieta up the hill to Haría. It’s a climb, so you need to be reasonably fit to tackle this one.

On an impulse recently I walked back up to Haría from the lovely Arrieta beach, by road its a distance of 7km. I walked from the roundabout with the Manrique wind toy along the (LZ-10) road to Haría  before turning off after the long straight – if you prefer you can start this walk from the beach, along a dirt track, please see the Google Earth image, both ways meet at yellow pin no 6.

Walk from Arrieta to Haría

Walk from Arrieta to Haría

Look for the tall Agave stick on the right hand side of the road, this marks the path for the next stage of the walk from Arrieta. The first part of the path is not clear, you walk up the barranco to the side of the small out building and then it is more clearly marked, this section cuts up between the road which sweeps round the bend before climbing again.

Walk from Arrieta to Haría


Walk from Arrieta to Haría

Walk from Arrieta to Haría

When you meet the tarmac road, look slightly ahead and you will see a similar marker to show the connecting path, use the small concrete bridge to cross the deep gutter. The path here is easier underfoot, a worn level track with some loose stones, turn around to catch your breath and you’re rewarded with a stunning view back down to the coast.

Walk from Arrieta to Haría

Walk from Arrieta to Haría

The path heads in the opposite direction of the road, you’re heading towards the white houses you can see in the distance. I was surprised at how green the landscape was, the bushes were all sprouting and the terraces had a green glow to them with grass sprouting underfoot.

 Walk from Arrieta to Haría
Walk from Arrieta to Haría

As you reach the garden of the first house on your right, the path becomes wider and into a track which is the start of Calle Vista del Valle, follow the road around to the right and you will arrive at the back of the cemetery and then the junction with Calle San Juan. The village of Haría is just along the road to the left.

Walk from Arrieta to Haría

Walk from Arrieta to Haría

Walk from Arrieta to Haría

Walk from Arrieta to Haría

The footpath is approximately half the distance of the road and less of a climb, it’s a lovely walk as well as a shortcut with fantastic views and of course can be walked in the opposite direction too!

If you enjoyed reading this walk from Arrieta, here’s a bike ride you can enjoy from the same place: Cycle from Arrieta.

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