Translation Of Lanzarote Place Names

Place names

Some of Lanzarote’s place names sound far less exotic when they are translated into English. As an example, we have neighbours who live in Calle San Juan, which just doesn’t sound so interesting when you call it Saint John’s Road.

Here’s a selection of the less obvious ones, including of some of my favourites!

Arrecife – The Reef. Obviously named after the off-shore reef that protects the beach.

Charco del Palo – Stick’s puddle.

Haría – It would do.

La Asomada – The shown one.

La Concha – The shell.

La Graciosa – The funny one.

Las Breñas – The scrub.

Las Cabreras – The goatherd.

Mala – The bad one.

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Playa las Cucharas – Spoons beach

Playa Quemada – The burned beach.

Puerto Calero – Lime port. Although the area was named after Pepe Calero, so Calero’s port.

Punta Mujeres – Women’s point. So called because women used to wait on the point for their fishermen husbands to come home.

Tías – Aunts. So named because the aunts of Don Fajardo used to live there.

The place names just don’t sound the same translated, do they?

Read about the “Doll’s house” in Arrieta: Casa Juanita.