Navidad Isleña

“Navidad Isleña” is a cultural Christmas programme organised by the Cabildo of Lanzarote in conjunction with the townhalls of the seven municipalities with a schedule of concerts across the island.

The events include local groups of musicians and singers who will be performing in the streets, churches and squares of Lanzarote.
These performances are free of charge, starting on the 29th of November 2024 until the 3rd of January 2025.


Thursday 12th December at 20h at Plaza de Las Palmas: Parranda El Golpito

Thursday 12th December at 21h at Recova Municipal: Agrupación Folclórica Guadarfía

Thursday 19th December at 20h at Recova Municipal: Coral El Cribo Canta

Thursday 19th December at 21h at Plaza de Las Palmas: Agrupación Teguey

Friday 20th December at 20h at Recova Municipal: Parranda La Aldaba

Thursday 26th December at 20h at Recova Municipal: Esencia Atlante

Thursday 26th December at 21 at Plaza Las Palmeras: Coral Marina de Puerto del Carmen

Friday 27th December at 17h at Hospital Insular: Rancho de Pascua de Tías

Friday 27th December at 20h at Plaza Las Palmas: Banda San Bartolomé

Saturday 28th December at 20:30h at Iglesia San Ginés: Rancho de Pascua de Yaiza

Thursday 26th December at 20h at the Amphitheatre at Playa de Las Cucharas: Asociación Folclórica Los Campesinos, Asociación Folclórica Güerma and Asociación M. C. Timbayba

Sunday 29th December at 19:30h at the Church: Rancho de Pascua de Haría

Saturday 14th December at 21h at the Church: German choir In Dulci Jubilo and Coral Polifónica San Ginés

Saturday 14th December at 12h at the Market: Banda Municipal de Teguise

Friday 20th December at 20h at La Tegala: Coral Vulcania

Saturday 21st December at 11h at the Square: Agrupación Folclórica Gaida, Agrupación Folclórica Guanapay, Parranda Los Valles and Parranda P’al Porrón

Sunday 15th December at 12h: Parranda Marinera de Buches

Thursday 26th December at 19h at Plaza del Carmen: Alborada grupo musical and Peña de Lentisco

Thursday 26th December at 20h at Plaza del Carmen: Agrupación Folclórica Guagime

Monday 16th December at 19h at Centro de la tercera edad: Coral Yaiza

Saturday 21st December 12h at the Christmas Craft Market: Parranda Los Toledos

Thursday 5th December at 19h at the Christmas Craft Market in Los Pocillos: Coral Polifónica de San Bartolomé

Thursday 12th December at 19:30h at the Christmas Craft Market in Los Pocillos: Asociación Cultural Acatife

Friday 13th December at 19:30h at the Christmas Craft Market in Los Pocillos: Coros y Danzas de Arrecife

Saturday 14th December at 19:30h at the Christmas Craft Market in Los Pocillos: A.M.C El Cercado. Parranda Raíces

Sunday 15th December at 18h at the Christmas Craft Market in Los Pocillos: Parranda Son del Norte

Sunday 15th December at 19:30h at the Christmas Craft Market in Los Pocillos: Agrupación Folclórica Rubicón 

Tuesday 10th December at 15h at Monumento al Campesino:  arranda Labradores

Saturday 14th December at 12h at the Christmas Craft Market: Malpaís de La Corona

Saturday 14th December at 17:30h at the Christmas Craft Market: Orquesta Clásica de Lanzarote

Saturday 14th December at 18h at the Christmas Craft Market: Agrupación Folclórica Guágaro

Sunday 15th December at 11h at the Christmas Craft Market: Banda Peña de San Roque

Sunday 10th December at 20h at Plaza Camilo José Cela: Orquesta Clásica de Lanzarote 

Friday 3rd January at 19h at the Teatro Municipal: Banda Músicos del Volcán.

Thursday 5th December at 20h at Plaza de San Roque: Coro Al Andalus Entre Alisios

Friday 13th December at 18h at the Christmas Craft Market: Rancho de Pascua de Tinajo

Sunday 15th December at 11:30h at Los Dolores Market: Parranda Lagar de Teseguite and Asociación Folclórica Altaja

Friday 20th December at 19h at Los Dolores Church: Asociación Coral Arrecife

Saturday 21st December at 11h at Residencia San Roque: Agrupación Folclórica La Gran Aldea

Friday 27th December at 20:30h at Plaza de San Roque: Agrupación Folclórica El Pavón

Saturday 28th December at 20:30h at Plaza de San Roque: Parranda Los Gorfines

Sunday 29th December at 12h at Los Dolores Church: Rancho de Pascua de Teguise

Friday 27th December at 18:30h at the San Juan Church: Parranda Janubio

Friday 29th November at 19h at Plaza de Los Remedios: Coral Polifónica Teguise

Friday 29th November at 20:30h at Plaza de Los Remedios: Parranda Sondemar

Sunday 15th December at 13h at Plaza de Los Remedios: Agrupación Folclórica La Peña

Sunday 15th December at 17h at Plaza de Los Remedios: Calicanto Tafiague

The programme is subject to change. You might want to keep an eye on the official page for any updates:

You can see our full Christmas Guide here: Christmas in Lanzarote.


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