Lanzarote Shopping Guide


Shopping abroad can be frustrating when you don’t know the opening hours, where to go and what to ask for, this A-Z guide is not to limit where you shop but to take some of the guess work out of who might sell what.


Before you go shopping you may want to visit one of our local banks, they are generally open on week days from 08:00 to 14:00. Banks with English speaking staff are La Caixa and Banco Sabadell, you can find branches in the tourist resorts.


For used cars if you want to buy from a dealer, there are several small dealerships in Arrecife.

For new cars the dealerships are situated on the Autovia LZ-2 Arrecife – Yaiza dual carriage way by the airport, and again along the dual carriage way LZ-20 from Arrecife to San Bartolomé.

Clothes & Shoes

We generally head to Arrecife for clothes shopping in Lanzarote, as we quite like the small boutique style shops. Brands you may recognise include Ferrer, Benetton, Zara, Lacoste, Vera Moda. Start in Leon y Castillo and work along the side streets. Remember these shops have siesta opening hours, so shop in the morning or evening.

Arrecife also has the island’s largest shopping centre, Open Mall, which has a huge range of clothes and various other shops, free parking and several eateries.

The Biosfera Plaza shopping centre on Avenida Juan Carlos I in Puerto del Carmen has a selection of stores including Zara, Desigual, Timberland, Foot Locker, Springfield, Levi’s, Pull&Bear, Bershka. These shops are open 10:00 – 22:00 Monday – Saturday and 11:00-21:00 on Sunday.

Centro Comerical Deiland in Playa Honda is a large indoor shopping centre, there’s plenty of underground parking, and shops on 3 levels including a supermarket, food outlets, indoor play area, cinema and bowling alley. These shops are open 10:00 – 22:00 Monday – Saturday and 11:00-21:00 on Sunday.


There are two major electrical goods outlets on the island – Electron, who are next to Ikea in Arrecife, and Milar, who have shops near the hospital in Arrecife, opposite Deiland in Playa Honda and actually in the Deiland shopping centre.


Optimus, Argana Centre, Arrecife
Situated on the ground floor of the shopping centre, good range of electrical goods, camping and outdoor furniture, tools and DIYaccessories.

Ferreteria Tias (FT)
This store has everything you could need, very organised and priced. If not in stock, customer services will order while you wait from their warehouse in Playa Honda. Building supplies, tools, garden accessories, plumbing, beds and electrical goods.

FT has branches in Tias and Playa Blanca.

There are also numerous small hardware stores around the island called ferreterias.

Electrical Goods

Rocasa – Leon Y Castillo, Arrecife
Cheap shop including small household electrical goods

Milar – Deiland and Arrecife
A good selection of stereos, TV’s, game stations, watches and phones.

Ferreteria – Tias
Well priced range of kitchen appliances with free delivery. Good choice of DVD, videos and televisions with cables, stands and brackets.

Electron Arrecife, next to Ikea
Large selection of all household electrical goods, well priced and usually in stock.


Casa – Calle Fajardo 30, Arrecife
Tel: 928 80 72 74
Open 6 days per week all day.
The Spanish house shop, sewing and materials in the basement, crockery, cutlery, and candles etc on the ground floor and furniture and accessories on the top floor.

La Oca – Calle Fajardo 10, Arrecife
Tel: 928 80 03 50
Open Mon – Sat from 10am – 1pm and 5pm to 8pm
A modern but reasonably priced furniture and accessories shop. Colourful and fun products with catalogues available.

Ikea – Arrecife, Carretera de los marmoles (near port)
Tel: 928 082 000
Opening hours 10am to 10pm Mon- Sat
Identical to the UK stores with display area, marketplace, cafeteria etc. Slightly different system than the UK, where you order goods and pay for them upstairs if coming from the warehouse, otherwise pay at the checkout for marketplace goods.

Galerias Laura – Tias
Tel: 928 833 352 Laura pronounced Lowra speaks very good english.
There are two branches of this shop in Tias, one in the main street and the other in the side street off the middle roundabout. They offer very good quality but cheaper furnishings, ideal for investment properties. They have a 2 and 3 seat sofa set from 485 (euros) and luxury version at 700 (euros) in the basement of the shop! Offer a complete range of electrical items, kitchens, furniture all delivered foc to your address.

Arrecife has a large selection of furniture shops; there are ones similar to MFI where the furniture is delivered in kit form for you to build at home (main carretera to San Bartolome) such as Kitea, or the wood shop opposite the Spinola centre where you stain it, or individual shops with ready made items. All will deliver free of charge to your home address.

Garden Centres

Tahiche Garden Centre, Tahiche to San Bartolome ctra.
Tel: 928 173 411
Open Mon to Sun 10am – 7pm
Offers garden design and maintenance as well as plants, tools and pots.

Flower Power

You’ll find the garden centre on the right heading towards Playa Blanca, soon after the Macher petrol station.

Call them on 928 51 05 62. They are open from 1000 until 1830 Monday to Friday and from 1000 until 1430 on Saturdays.

Las Marias, Tahiche to Costa Teguise road (next to the prison)
Open Mon to Sat
Large garden centre and well organised including garden furniture and indoor plants.

Viveros – Arrecife, San Bartolome road
This garden centre is not advertised and difficult to find but offers a wide variety of plants at great prices. Situated in the back streets on the opposite side of the road to the hospital. Look for the palm trees up a dirt track!


Informatica shops – branches in Arrecife, Deiland shopping Centre – Playa Honda
Biosfera Shopping Centre – Puerto del Carmen
This shop has a great selection of phones available.

Also see electrical goods above as they all sell phones too.

Sports Equipment & Clothing

Decathlon in Arrecife stocks most sporting goods.

There are a number of independent shops in various parts of the island which offer sporting goods and clothing as well.


Cash & Carry – Playa Honda, San Bartolome road
Tel: 928 823 142
Fax: 928 823 414
Opening hours Mon to Fri 9am – 7pm and Sat 10am – 3pm
You can find all of your English favourites here from walker’s crisps to Iceland frozen food. You will pay a premium but there are times when you just want those items like horseradish sauce and you can’t find it anywhere else

Eurospar – Arrecife, heading towards Tahiche
Parking is easy; you will need a 50 cent or 1 euro coin for the trolley. This supermarket stocks many items not found in others for example, pitta bread, HP soups and beans, Indian and Mexican food.

Hiperdino – Deiland, Playa Honda and Arrecife, towards Costa Teguise
This chain of supermarkets caters mainly for the Spanish market and whilst choices can be limited, the overall cost of your shopping will be less. The draw back with the Deiland centre is getting your shopping to the different car park areas, and there is a shortage of tills open meaning queues at the checkout.

Lidl – Arrecife and Playa Honda

Aldi – Arrecife

Mercadona – Playa Honda and Arrecife

Large supermarket aimed at family buyers.

Roper – roundabout at Playa Honda near Mega Centro
Fantastic! Great selection of meat, fish, cheese, fruit and vegetables available fresh or frozen. Unbelievable prices and quality.

Hiperdino – (opposite the airport runway) Playa Honda
It is almost a social event when you try shopping at this supermarket, especially on a Saturday morning. The supermarket has been redesigned recently with wider isles and a new carpark. The butcher and deli counters operate on a ticket system which usually means one person needs to stand in the queue whilst the other completes the rest of the shopping.

We have a whole article here about food shopping like a local.


A-Z Paperwork
Telephone: (0034) 676 455 282
Guy can help with translation services, all local paperwork from buying houses to selling cars and residencia.


Pet – C.C. Las Maretas, Av. Islas Canarias, Costa Teguise
Tel: 928 346 207
Emergency Tel: 636 068 111
Opening hours 9.30am – 7 pm Monday to Friday. Saturdays 10am – 1pm.
This surgery offers great flexibility with house calls possible even for booster jabs for those who can’t transport their pets to the vet. Also, fantastic grooming service available.

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