Lanzarote News In Brief – Week 49

New Law On Visitors Data Comes Into Force

A new law requiring accommodation and car hire providers to send more data on visitors to he Ministry in the Interior came into force on 2nd December. Information such as name, address and passport number have been being recorded for many years. The change is that more data has now been added, including method of payment, date of birth, telephone number and email address.

Calls To Stop Camel Rides

The Swiss animal welfare organisation, has called for the Timanfaya Camel Rides to be ended. They cite the increasing weight of tourists as part of the problem, but also expressed concerns about the treatment of the animals. Lanzarote’s camels are the offspring of what was once of a 3,000 strong herd of working camels on the island, that transported goods, food, water all over Lanzarote, and did much of the farm work here. Once motor vehicles and mechanisation took over, special licences were given to 40 families to provide rides in part of Timanfaya, and they continue to offer the service, with around 400 camels today.

Hang Glider Serious After Crash

A hang glider was injured in a crash against the Tinasoria mountain on Sunday afternoon. He was evacuated to Arrecife hospital by helicopter and is described as serious but stable currently.

And A Paraglider Rescued

A paraglider also crashed this week into a hill in Haria. The 67 year old had to be rescued from the hillside by helicopter.

Virgin Of Los Dolores Arrives In Arrecife

The effigy of the Virgin of Los Dolores was carried from the church at Mancha Blanca, to the San Gin’s church in Arrecife at the weekend, as part of a double celebration – the 200th since the Timanfaya eruptions, and the 225th since the founding of Arrecife. Thousands joined the procession on the route across the island.

Gerry Hutch Fails In Election Bid

Gerry Hutch failed to win election in Dublin at the weekend. Hutch, who was in prison on the island on suspicion of money laundering, was released on bail of 100,000 € by a judge, when he said he planned to run for election.

More Than One Third Of Properties Bought By Foreigners

According to a report by notaries, 36.4% of all properties purchased in The Canary Islands so far this year, were made by foreigners.

We’ll add more news here as it comes in this week……

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