Lanzarote News In Brief – Week 44

Almost 200 Flights A WeeK From UK

There will be an average of 193 flights per week from UK to Lanzarote this winter. Jet 2 will have 68, Ryanair 52 and easyJet 39.

Yaiza Hoping To Complete Work On Sports Centre In Playa Blanca

Construction work on the project to build the new sports centre was 95% completed when the contractor, Levantina, Engineering and Construction, filed for bankruptcy. The town hall has now hired an expert to help structure a deal whereby they accept the property from the receivers and undertake to complete the work using public funds. Mayor Oscar Noda said: “We have always maintained our will and commitment to complete the work and open the Pavilion, punctually paying all our obligations to the construction company within the framework of legality. We have reserved 700,000 euros of the municipal budget for direct management to cover cleaning, maintenance, administration and monitor services. It is the fastest way to put the centre into operation. Then we will make an evaluation to see if we opt for indirect management or maintain the idea of direct management for two years.

Most Areas Cancel Halloween Events

Most town halls have cancelled all halloween events planned, as a sign of mourning for the people of Valencia. At least 92 died in flash floods as a storm passed through the city.

UD Lanzarote So Close

UD Lanzarote played a super game against much higher rated Racing de Santander, in the Copa del Rey. With only 15 minutes left in the match, Lanzarote were 4-1 down, but Lanzarote scored twice in 5 minutes to put real pressure on the visitors, who then resorted to time wasting to see the match out. All three Lanzarote goals were scored by Ale Fuentes.

Mein Schiff 7 Docks At New Terminal

The German cruise ship Mein Schiff 7 docked in Puerto los Marmoles in Arrecife this week and was the first ship whose passengers used the new terminal building at the dock. Mein Schiff carries around 3,000 passengers, mainly from Germany and Austria, and will dock in Arrecife another 12 times this winter. The other new, main terminal, at Puerto Naos, will open in January 2025.

Bus Strikes Planned

Bus drivers are planning strike action in a bid to have changes made to their retirement age. Unless an agreement is reached, strikes will take place on on November 11, 28 and 29 and on December 5, 9 and 23. There will be a minimum 80% service, with strike action only taking place between the hours of 10:00 and 13:00 and 17:00 and 20:00.

Award And Expansion For Open Mall

The Open Mall shopping centre has receive and award for being the “Best shopping centre” in Spain, beating 123 others to the title. Accepting the trophy, the centre’s managers announced phase two, which will extend the centre to the old Hiperdino plot next door.

New Island Record for Working Population

68,200 people are working on the island, either employed or self employed – a historic record number.

Christmas Markets For Teguise And Costa Teguise

The first will take place in Teguise on 5th to 8th December, and the second in Costa Teguise, at the promenade at Playa las Cucharas on 12th to 15th December.

We’ll add more news here as it comes in this week…….

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