Lanzarote News In Brief – Week 32

Heatwave Next Week

The heatwave that has been affecting the peninsular of Spain and much of Europe this week, will reach The Canaries next week

Christian Dior Launches Cactus Project In Lanzarote

Christian Dior are launching a new skin care range, called Sauvage Mencare, which will use extracts from cactuses grown in Lanzarote. The Normandy based company announced that the new range has 90% natural ingredients, including the cactus tunera conera, which will be grown in Lanzarote. From the plant they get an “aqueous extract”, which is mixed with natural black charcoal extract.

Drought Means Olive Famers Will Receive Aid

The continuing drought and high temperatures over the winter has meant this year’s olive harvest will be very poor on the island. Farmers will be able to claim a subsidy of 550 € per hectare planted to boost their earnings.

Disruptive Passengers Met By Police

A Jet2 aircraft travelling form Belfast on Thursday afternoon contacted Lanzarote Airport asking for police to meet the aircraft due to “Several disruptive passengers” causing problems. Police removed the passengers on arrival.

Yaiza In Top Ten Of Spain For Tourist Saturation

Measured as the number of tourist visitors per head of population, Yaiza (Playa Blanca) is in 8th place of all destinations in Spain, with 43.5 tourists per inhabitant, compared to 24.3 (19th) for Tias (Puerto del Carmen) and 17.14 (23rd) for Teguise (Costa Teguise.)

UK Residents Should Now Apply For TIE

UK residents living in Spain have now been advised that they should apply for a TIE if they haven’t already done so. The biometric data in the TIE will be required for travel within the EU and for leaving and returning to Spain, once the EU EES system is up and running. The old style green certificates will no longer provide the information required.

Aer Lingus Increases Flights This Winter

The Irish flag carrier will double the frequency of flights from Dublin to Lanzarote this winter, to eight per week. The airline is also increasing the number of flights to Tenerife and Gran Canaria.

Town Beach Closed In Playa Blanca

The town beach was closed in Playa Blanca this week, after water checks revealed the presence of sewage. UPDATE: The beach was re-opened on Thursday,

Spain Best Country For Digital Nomads

A report complied by the consultancy form Global Citizen Solutions has concluded that Spain is the best place in the world for digital nomads.

The study, which analyzes programs to attract digital nomads to 65 countries around the world, considered five main categories: cost of visa, benefits of the visa, quality of life (medical care, safety, pollution, climate), economy (cost of living, tax treatment, price of a place to work) and technology/innovation.

Nine of the top ten countries are in Europe, including the Netherlands and Norway, which occupy second and third place. These countries offer a high standard of living and quality in their health, educational and social services, but they have a high cost of living.

Spain and the Netherlands stand out for offering holders of digital nomad visas a path to permanent residence and eventually citizenship.

4,000 Plants And Trees For Playa Honda Urban Park

Work is well underway on the creation of a new urban park in Playa Honda, and a total of 4,000 plants and trees have been ordered to turn the park into a “green lung” for the island.

Aldi Playa Blanca Expected In January 2025

The new Aldi store in Playa Blanca is expected to open in January next year. The 1200 square metre store will be located on Avenida a Femés on the corner with Calle la Concha, and will have parking for 102 cars, with disabled spaces and electric chargers.

44% Of Visitors Have Been To The Canaries 5 or More Times

In a survey conducted on visitors to the island it the last quarter, it was found that 44% had been to the islands five or more times. Visitors from Scandinavian countries had the highest repeat visitors rate, averaging more than 6 visits. The highest percentage of first time visitors were from France, with around 50% of French visitors arriving on the islands for the first time.

Playa Grande Beach Volleyball Tournament A Huge Success

630 athletes from all over the world, and 484 teams participated in the beach volleyball tournament on Playa Grande in Puerto del Carmen last weekend, making it the largest ever participation in the annual event.

Cabildo Calls For More Resources At Airport

The Cabildo and the island’s chamber of commerce have both requested the National Police service to provide more officers at the airport to speed up the process of stamping non EU visitor’s passports, in a bid to reduce the recent queues in immigration.

New Parking Lot Open At Hospital

A new parking lot has been opened at the main Arrecife hospital, adding 100 spaces to the total. About 30% of the new spaces are reserved for those with limited mobility.

We’ll add more news here as it comes in this week……

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