Cameras For Teguise
Teguise Ayuntamiento has announced the acquisition of 50 surveillance cameras which will be located in Costa Teguise and Teguise as a security measure.
Wind Turbine Down
One of the wind turbines at Montaña Mina blew down in the strong winds on Tuesday morning and fell on a power line, leaving some parts of the island without electricity.
Swimmer Dies In Puerto del Carmen
A 50 year old man lost his life after suffering a heart attack while swimming at Playa Grande in Puerto del Carmen. Lifeguards pulled him from the sea, but despite carrying out resuscitation, they were unable to save his life.
LZ2 Closed Lane
The nearside lane on the LZ2 in the Playa Honda area will be closed from 19:00 until 06:00 this week as work continues on building the new underpass.
100 Squatters Evicted From Playa Blanca
About 100 people have been evicted from 28 properties they occupied in Calle Cyca in Playa Blanca, following a court order being granted. About half of the people were offered temporary accommodation in a residencia in the north of the island, but refused.
Cabildo Seeking To Find Solution To Problems At Las Grietas
The Cabildo has urged Tias Ayuntamiento to seek a solution to the issues at Las Grietas, the so called “Gran Canyon” of Lanzarote. The popularity of the area on social media has resulted in dozens of cars parking on rough ground at all hours of night and day, and people crossing the LZ-35 potentially endangering themselves.
Airport Records Confirmed For 2023
It has been confirmed that travellers using Lanzarote Airport in 2023 reach a historic high of 8.22 million people on 68,100 air movements, making it the tenth busiest airport in Spain.
Long Term British Residents Can Now Vote In UK Elections
Until now, British citizens who have loved abroad for more than 15 years have been unable to vote in their country’s elections. A new law came into effect this week that scraps the 15 year rule.
We’ll add more news here as it comes in this week……
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