Lanzarote In Numbers – 2020

Lanzarote in Numbers

The Cabildo publishes a document each year called “Lanzarote en Cifres” or Lanzarote in figures. You can download the full document at the link below, but it’s long, complex and in Spanish, so we’ve picked out the highlights for you below.

2020 was the year of the pandemic, so numbers relating to tourism are much lower than usual.


2020 was a hot, dry year for the island, continuing a drought that has affected Lanzarote for several years.

  • It rained on only 34 days during the year and there was a total of 67.2mm of rain.
  • The average humidity was 68%.
  • The average temperature during the whole year was 22 degrees.


Lanzarote’s population was 155,812.

  • 38% of the population was foreign.
  • The largest group was British, with 6415 Brits living here.
  • In order of size, the following have large communities – Moroccans, Colombians, Italians and Germans.
  • Arrecife has the largest population – 64.645.
  • Haria has the smallest – 5263.

Employment & Economy

  • There were 4601 registered businesses on the island at the end of 2020, down from 5060 the year before.
  • Most employees were in the service sector (88%) and the construction sector (7%)
  • There were 18,297 unemployed at year end, up from 11,399 the previous year.


  • We had 795,423 tourists visit the island versus more than 3 million the previous year.
  • The highest number of visitors came from UK – 37% of the total.
  • In order, they were followed by visitors from Spain, Germany, France and Ireland.
  • They stayed an average of 7.7 days.
  • They spent an average of €79.65 per day
  • We had 149.450 cruise ship passengers on the island versus 520,192 the previous year.


  • The peak number of active Covid cases on the island was 579, on 11th September.
  • The total of reported crimes was 6222 versus 7206 the previous year.


  • There were 2.5 million passengers through the airport versus 7.3 million the year before.
  • There were 130,262 vehicles on the roads – 87,386 were private cars and 8222 motorcycles.

Energy & Waste

  • Energy consumption on the island was 673,505 MWh, down nearly 20% on the previous year.
  • Most of our renewable energy came from wind (12% of the total) and solar (10%)
  • The island produced 8552 tonnes of waste versus 11,154 the previous year.

So there you have it – in many ways an extraordinary year, and it clearly illustrates how wide ranging the effect off the loss of tourism has been to Lanzarote.

You can download the full copy of the numbers from The Cabildo website: Lanzarote en cifres. 


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