Lanzarote Cat Protection

This is a guest article, written by Lesley Isola. 

Lanzarote Cat Protection is a registered charity which takes care of more than 500 community and feral cats every day, mainly within the municipality of Yaiza, providing food, and routine and emergency veterinary care through dedicated volunteers and independent carers of colonies.

Our aim is to provide a happy, healthy life for free-roaming cats.

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We operate programmes called TNR – Trap, Neuter, Return – where cats are humanely trapped, sterilised and ear-tipped for identification, and then released back to their original location. Through TNR, we reduce unwanted pregnancies, reduce the burden on the environment and reduce nuisance caused to

By controlling and reducing the population, the health of the cats is dramatically improved, breaking the cycle of never-ending pregnancies for females, reducing the male cats’ need to fight for females or territory and reducing the spread of illness for both.

Wherever possible, kittens are removed at an appropriate age, socialised and rehomed through our Responsible Adoption Scheme.

Our small refuge provides a temporary home for cats recovering from illness or surgery and a permanent home for cats at risk or elderly cats who need end-of-life care.

We engage the support of residents and people who visit the island through Facebook and publicity placed on our feeding stations. Many holiday makers have their favourite cats and come to visit them year after year. Our volunteers keep them updated with photos and news.

We rely entirely on donations from the public, although we are trying to secure a subsidy from the local council.

We hold a get-together for volunteers and supporters every Tuesday afternoon at Cafe Terraza in the Marina Rubicon.

As we are growing, so are our food and veterinary bills and our need for financial help. You can give via PayPal by visiting or by bank transfer to La Caixa, Asociación Lanzarote Cat Protection, IBAN ES56 2100 4672 5802 0024 6413, SWIFT/BIC CAIXESBBXXX

We have many wonderful talented supporters who use their skills to help us – from our carpenter who makes our feeding stations to crafters who design and make items for sale to raise funds. Perhaps you have a skill to offer or craft items to donate, or local business owners would like to help us with social events or promotional materials, and if you have some spare time on your hands, perhaps you would like to help us with feeding and caring for the cats.

For more information, please contact Louise Phillips on 600 35 45 71 or email at