Interview With Artist Iván T.

I can’t quite remember the first time I came across Iván’s work but I remember I like his style and the fact that it was giving life to otherwise just bland, boring walls. I started following on social media. At a later stage I attended one of the presentations of his first book “30 Mujeres Canarias” (“30 Canarian Women”), the sales of which collaborate with a charity that fights domestic violence . That’s where I first met him in person. Today I bring you a small insight into the man behind these impressive creations, Iván T.

Where are you from originally, Iván?
I’m from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

How long have you lived in Lanzarote?
I’ve been living in Lanzarote for about 6 years.

What brought you here initially, if you don’t mind me asking?
I have relatives living here since 2000.

I see. What made you stay, then?
After coming to visit three times, I fell in love with the life here. It really is a paradise and a privileged place to live.

How would you describe your art to someone who is not familiar with it yet?
I think my art represents my personality, restless. It’s varied, ranging from digital illustrations, to painting paintings, murals, live paintings at concerts, sculpture, modern art with artificial intelligence. I’ve always been very curious, and I try to investigate and push my own limits, learning and expressing it in different formats, but keeping my essence. Also, I always try to accompany my art with a message of inclusion, rights, equality, respect. It’s my way to try to contribute something to this world.

And have you always been involved in art?
Between the ages of 15 to 20, I worked on a lot of things. Then when I finished my studies as a graphic designer, I set up my own freelance design studio, where I worked for more than 15 years for different parts of the world. 6 years ago, I got tired of graphic design and I started painting, initially as a hobby. When I moved to Lanzarote, I took part in some painting competitions, in which I did well. That encouraged me to embark on this path as a plastic artist and muralist, to which today I dedicate myself 100%.

What do you like about Lanzarote?
Everything! The tranquility, the contact with nature, its landscapes, its culture, its people. It’s a place that if you embrace it, in a short time you feel part of it.

So, what would you say is your favourite place on the island?
The island has many magical places. If I had to choose a few, I would say a sunset in Famara, a night in Papagayo, a snorkel in Playa Chica and a walk in Playa Honda or Charco de San Ginés.

Great choices! What inspires you?
Nature, the colours of the landscapes, what lies beneath the sea. The traditions of the people, their crafts, their passions.

Do you have a favourite project here in Lanzarote and why? And anywhere else?
Well, they are all special. Last year I had the opportunity to paint two large format murals. One in Moya (Gran Canaria) of 210 square metres, a mural that pays homage to three painters who lived there for a while. The other one, more recently, a tribute to the singer Rosana, in the Civic Centre of Arrecife. Both projects were beautiful challenges and, at the same time, a great honour for me.

Do you have any projects in the near future?
My next project is to have a space in which I can develop my art, and to be able to give classes, to be a place open to people, to share moments of art, music… We are preparing it and it will be open in October, in front of the Deiland in Playa Honda. I am also working on the publication of my second book, soon I will share more information about this.

How exciting! Please, do keep us posted! How can people find your work and follow your new adventures?
My Instagram is the space I keep most updated on a daily basis: @ivantempera.  That’s where all my work can be found, such as personalised illustrations, murals and live paintings. Also, through my website where my online Shop can be accessed.

Tell us something about yourself that no one knows (yet), even for your regular clients.
Emmm… I could write several books about this * he laughs*. I have worked on very “particular” and varied things. I’ve been Winnie Pooh and Tiger. I’ve had my own greengrocer’s shop, I’ve been a chauffeur, a dishwasher, a street vendor, a gas station attendant… I could go on for a long time. Some interesting facts, too:  at the age of one I ingested caustic soda, which almost cost me my life. I did social work for more than 15 years in hospitals, prisons and slums in my country. Something funny about me? I tend to fall asleep in the cinema. I get bored easily. I’m a bad dancer but I sing quite well. And I can reach levels of mess in my spaces, not yet reached by the human race.

Well, you definitely should write a book about it all!!! Anything else you would like to say to our readers?
Simply, thank you.

Thank you, Iván, for your time and for letting us get to know you a bit better.

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