Coffee And Cake – Gran Hotel Arrecife

Coffee and Cake

I was out with a friend and we wanted to stop somewhere in Arrecife for a cappucino and a slice of cake before visiting the Castillo San José museum.

We decided to visit the café bar on the 17th floor of the Gran Hotel called Star’s City which is open to non hotel guests. We took the right hand lift from reception which takes you direct to this floor, the door opens on the other side to the one you enter so turn around to face the back when you get in. The bar is on the right as you exit, there are two parts, the first looks more out to sea, the second has panoramic views from the beach, over Arrecife and out to the port, Puerto Naos.

The View

The service isn’t great –  slow and a bit grumpy – but the views are absolutely breathtaking, you are dizzyingly high with just panes of glass between you and the drop. They have an offer of €3.50 for tea / coffee and a slice of cake from a display stand, although cappucino wasn’t included at this price, the cafe con leche that arrived was very good.

After sipping our coffee and demolishing our slices of cherry cake our next stop was the MIAC. We collected the car from the underground car park and drove along the front to the castle.

More of The Arrecife Gran Hotel and Spa.