Alertcops App In Lanzarote


Alertcops is a mobile phone app which has been made available by the Spanish government. It has several features which will enable your to report a crime, be warned of crime taking place in your area, and even allow police to locate you if you are hurt or lost. It’s available in Spanish, English and German languages.

Set up is simple – you will need to identify yourself using DNI, NIE or passport number and your name.

Reporting a crime

If you witness a crime or an accident, you can report it with one click on the Alertcops app, and even send photos or videos. The app will put you in touch with a police operator who speaks your default language.

There are large icons on the home screen of the app, so with one click, you can report, for example, a theft, squatting etc.

Crime Warnings

The Alertcops app will use a push notification to let you know of crimes or the risk of danger wherever you are. This can be used to warn about civil disturbances, or a wave of robberies or burglaries in a given area.


If you get lost on a walk, or cannot continue due to an in injury, using the app to contact the police will also send them your exact grid reference, making resume much quicker.

We’ve been using the app for some time, and it’s straightforward to set up and very easy to use.

You can download Alertcops here:

Android version

Apple Version

We have also have a Covid 19 track and trace app here in Lanzarote.

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