Agua Clara – Clean Water For Ten years

Agua Clara

I first met Ray Allum many years ago, when he was planning to move to Lanzarote, and we were able to help him and Jen do just that. Initially, they settled in Playa Blanca.

Once they were established on the island, it was time to think about a business, and they came up with the idea for Agua Clara, supplying water filters for homes and commercial premises.

Ten years ago, I sat down with Ray in Puerto Calero, at the Café in the plaza where the whale sculpture sat,  and he shared his business plan with me for the new business. I persuaded him he should advertise for clients on Lanzarote Information, and he in turn persuaded me that I should have a water filter installed in our house! We remain each other’s longest standing clients.

We met for coffee last week, this time in Arrecife, and to complete a perfect circle, the very same whale sculpture, which was relocated to Charco San Ginés years ago, was right next to us! That’s us in the photo above, with the whale behind us.

Agua Clara has gone from strength to strength over the years. Having clean, filtered water on tap in the kitchen turned out to be one of the best things we have done. It’s about 50 metres from where we park our cars to the kitchen in our house, and it was always such a pain lugging those huge water containers up, and then carting all the empties to the recycling bins down the road. For me, that was the major selling point all those years ago.

I don’t think we even spoke about plastic waste in those days, but Agua Clara’s messaging has changed since we all became aware of how plastics are killing our oceans. Over the ten years we’ve had a filter, I’d estimate we’ve saved more than 2000 large plastic containers from going into the eco system – and that’s just our family!

Agua Clara uses Ceramic Filters which:

  • Save money – typical price works out at 3 cents per litre
  • Provide clean, clear, great tasting water
  • Save on storage

They’ve also expanded into washing machine filters. Like any business, they’ve had their ups and downs over the years, but they’ve built up a solid reputation for great service and good value, and much of their business comes from personal recommendations now.

Ray and Jen eventually bought a place in Arrecife, and they love living in the capital. Access to everywhere on the island is easy, they can walk to great local bars and shops, and they adore Charco San Ginés for the variety of food and drink you can get there. Here’s to their next ten years in business!

Agua Clara can install tap water systems and washing machine filters in your own home, your holiday home or your commercial premises.

You can get in touch with them via their website: Agua Clara.