Airport Landing

When is it a good time to visit Lanzarote?

We’re quite often asked the question “When is a good time to visit Lanzarote?” The answer depends on what you want from your holiday.

Some like to follow the trend and visit places during the peak season, for others they want to escape the madding crowd and come when it’s quieter. Of course this very much depends upon whether you have children and are tied to visiting during the school holidays. We’ve looked back over the past three years to establish when the most popular time for visitors to Lanzarote.

Our passenger arrival figures show that the island is remarkably consistent throughout the year, illustrating that we’re not a seasonal destination.

Our busiest months recently have been August, October and December, when we get around 270,000 visitors. August is the peak summer month, October is busy for half term visitors from UK, and Christmas is just amazing here.

Easter, in whichever month it falls in, is the busiest month for arrivals from the Spanish mainland.

The bottom line is that at any time of year, Lanzarote is a busy, bustling tourist destination.

Quietest Time

The least busy months for tourism in Lanzarote are February, May and November, when we’ll generally expect around 230,000 visitors.

Visit Lanzarote during these months if you prefer an off peak or low season holiday. But note that there isn’t ever really a “quiet” time here.


Lanzarote has the best climate in the world! It really doesn’t matter when you plan your holiday to Lanzarote as we enjoy average daytime temperatures from 21 to 29 degrees and more than 300 days of sunshine every year. There is an odd chance of rain during the winter months however our annual average rainfall is only 125 – 150 mm, so chances are the showers are interspersed with sunshine.

You can check the weather for any month of the year by using the search facility on this site. Try “March Weather,” for example.

Anytime is a good time to visit Lanzarote!

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  • Radley Roof Solutions